Series Reasons to Live

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., with especially high rates in young people and among veterans. Suicide also occurs among Christians in the Church. Yet often Christians shy away from talking about suicide, and churches aren't always clear on how the Gospel speaks to it and helps prevent it. So, join the Discover the Word group for this week of conversations around this often-avoided subject with author, couselor, and seminary professor Dr. Karen Mason. As Christians embracing life as God's gift, we want to do all we can to prevent suicide.

Dates March 12-16, 2018
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, Dr. Karen Mason
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Part 1 - 03/12/18

Discover How Hope Can Help Alleviate Despair

Today, the Discover the Word team welcomes seminary professor and psychologist Karen Mason to the table for a discussion about preventing suicide. This honest discussion will give you insight and encouragement to address this issue that has in some way touched us all. Discover how hope can help alleviate despair in their series “Reasons to Live.” Be listening today on Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 03/13/18

“Reasons To Live”

Today on Discover the Word, psychologist and author Karen Mason rejoins the team for another discussion on assisting those struggling with depression and mental health issues. Gain an informed and compassionate perspective for walking alongside those in the grip of depression. Don’t miss the next conversation in our series “Reasons to Live” today on Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 03/14/18

The Hope Of Christ

Depression and mental health issues aren’t just something that happen outside the church. Within churches, people are silently suffering, often alone. But today, psychologist Karen Mason joins the Discover the Word team for a conversation that explains how to offer the hope of Christ to those who feel alone in the darkness. Be part of the conversation about this complex and sensitive issue on Discover the Word!

Part 4 - 03/15/18

The Gospel And Our Faith In Christ Offer Hope

Today on Discover the Word, we continue the discussion with psychologist and seminary professor Karen Mason. Learn how the gospel and our faith in Christ offer hope for preventing suicide. While the topic can seem daunting, Karen offers clarity and calm that can save a life. Join us today for Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 03/16/18

Become The Beacon Of Hope To Those Who Have No Hope

Today on Discover the Word, the group concludes a week of conversations with author and psychologist Karen Mason. Karen explains how you can become a beacon of hope to those who have lost the will to live. It’s a conversation about what to do, and what not to do, when someone is contemplating suicide. Don’t miss this life-giving conversation, today on Discover the Word!

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