The gospels tell us that Jesus dined with sinners. All kinds. Often. What was shocking in the first century can still surprise us today: Jesus included the most messed up in His dinner table conversations – because He included them in His love. Scripture describes Jesus at dinners with several kinds of sinners including tax collectors, Pharisees, sinful women, thieves, the “unclean” and others. How do we respond when Jesus invites sinners to dinners? Do we say yes to His invitation to dine – as sinners - with our perfect God? And what about His invitation for others? What if we host sinners dinners and throw open the doors of our homes and our hearts to whoever might come that they too might know Jesus?
The Gospels tell us that Jesus dined with sinners. All kinds. And often! In this chapter, you’ll be exposed who these “sinners” were and learn why you’re invited to join Jesus at the table for dinner!
Have you ever been to an awkward dinner party? First-century people were shocked that Jesus chose to dine with people they regarded as “sinners.” In this chapter, you’ll consider why Jesus included all these messed up people at His dinner table.
The disciples didn’t always handle it well when Jesus invited “sinners” to dine with Him. How would you react? Would you wonder what Jesus is up to? In this chapter, you’re invited to say “yes” to Jesus’ invitation to dine—as sinners—with our perfect God!
When you’re invited to a dinner party, one of the first questions is: What should I wear? But did you know that Jesus is inviting you to join Him just as you are? In this chapter you’ll find out what you need to do in order to be ready to join Jesus.
At the Last Supper, Jesus was surrounded by His closest followers, and some who would betray and deny Him. In this chapter you’ll hear the invitation from Jesus to “sinners” just like you and me to join Him at His table and remember His suffering and sacrifice!