Episode Spiritual Habits and Training | Week 2

What does it take to get better at just about anything? Practice right? Intentional practice. So, what does it look like to live out our faith in everyday life? Well, the Bible and Christian tradition have something to say about that! Join us on Discover the Word as we consider the responsibility we have to be active and grow in our spiritual lives. Specifically, we will look at a few spiritual habits that invite us to train in godliness, and practice being open to God so we can hear from him and become the type of people he has for us to become.

Dates September 30-October 11, 2024
At The Table Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, Daniel Ryan Day and Rasool Berry
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Chapter 6

How important is it from time to time to take stock of the things that are shaping the person we’re becoming, and the person we will be, 5, 10, 15 years from now? Very important when you think about it that way, isn’t it? Well, this week on Discover the Word, the group continues a series about “Spiritual Habits and Training.” Be part of the group as they explore how different habits can influence us and what the Bible has to say about them.

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Chapter 7

Does the Bible always feel “life-giving” to you? Or does it sometimes feel like reading is not much more than a routine chore? And then add to that, is what you read sometimes confusing? Well, join the Discover the Word group as they dig into the importance of reading the Bible as a spiritual practice—and explore what happens when we do.

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Chapter 8

Have you ever had to fast for health reasons? How about as part of your devotion to God? Well, not everyone feels good about fasting but join the Discover the Word team as they explore what we can learn about fasting from Scripture and from traditions passed down through the history of the church. Discover how fasting can train us in godliness in this conversation about “Spiritual Habits and Training.”

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Chapter 9

What comes to mind when you hear the word confession? Well, whether you have positive or negative thoughts about confession, you may be surprised to discover what the Bible actually says about it, and that it can be a helpful spiritual discipline. Join the Discover the Word group as they explore how confession can work in our lives and train us in godliness.

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Chapter 10

Do you ever intentionally practice moments of silence? Join the Discover the Word group in this episode as they discover how making time to be silent gives us space to listen to God. You won’t want to miss the final conversation about “Spiritual Habits and Training” as they explore the importance of participating in God’s work through practices found in Scripture that have been passed down throughout church.

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