Series Tearful Expressions

What do you see in tears? Some see weakness. Some see manipulation. Some see weakness. Still others see immaturity. What do you see in the tears of your spouse, your child, your friend – or your own? Most of us are somewhat uncomfortable with tears, crying – and out and out weeping and wailing. And yet, tears are often reported in Scripture – both human tears and the tears of God himself. By exploring a myriad of passages that reference tearful expressions, we grow as we gain understanding of God’s weeping Servants, God’s weeping Son and God’s weeping heart and how His connection with crying can deepen our understanding and relationship with Him.

Dates August 28- September 15, 2017
# of Programs 14
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder
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Part 1 - 08/28/17

Tearful expressions

Today on Discover the Word, the group introduces a brand-new three-week series titled, “Tearful Expressions.” Many people think tears are a sign of weakness, but the group will discover that God welcomes this heartfelt expression. Be encouraged by Jesus’s response to the tears of a woman in Luke 7  when you tune into Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 08/29/17

The compassion of Christ, another tearful expression

Have you ever cried for joy; shed tears of happiness? Maybe it was at a wedding or the birth of a child. Well today on Discover the Word,  we welcome you to take your seat at the table with us and join the discussion about the compassion of Christ and another example of a “Tearful Expression” in the Bible. Listen today to Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 08/30/17

How does Jesus restore us?

What do we do when someone is crying and it’s our fault? What do we do when we’ve made choices we regret? Today on Discover the Word, the team digs into the life of Peter to see how Jesus restores him even after he denies Christ. Let the discussion encourage your heart as they look at a time when Peter cried . . . today on Discover the Word!

Part 4 - 08/31/17

Discover how Jesus works through our emotions and tears

Isn’t it great to know that Jesus isn’t scared of our tears! In fact, He has a purpose for them. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll explore Luke 23 to see the big picture of how Jesus works through our emotions and our tears. Another example of a “Tearful Expression” when you listen to Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 09/01/17

Discover how grief can transform and change us

Today on Discover the Word, when the team concludes the first week of their series titled, “Tearful Expressions,” they’ll be in John chapter 20 to learn from Jesus Himself about the how grief transforms and changes us, but how Jesus is revealing Himself to us in our grief. Listen to Discover the Word today.

Part 6 - 09/04/17

Be encouraged by the tears shed by Jesus himself

Is crying a sign of weakness? Today on Discover the Word, we kick off a brand-new week of discussions in the series titled, “Tearful Expressions” with a look at tears shed by Jesus Himself. Be encouraged by the hope we find in Scripture, and listen to Discover the Word today!

Part 7 - 09/05/17

Discover the righteous anger that caused Jesus to weep

Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss another “Tearful Expression” seen in the Gospels. It’s a thought-provoking discussion about the righteous anger that caused Jesus to weep. Join the team to encounter the God who can understand your tears,  because He’s experienced them Himself. Listen today to Discover the Word!

Part 8 - 09/06/17

Choices that can have lasting eternal consequences

We live our lives one moment at a time! But our decisions today can directly impact our lives tomorrow. Today on Discover the Word, the team examines how the rash choices we make in frustration can have lasting eternal consequences. Be sure to listen today on Discover the Word!

Part 9 - 09/08/17

Jesus suffered so that we might know joy!

God intimately knows our pain! And in Jesus, He bore our suffering so we can experience joy! Join us today on Discover the Word, for the enlightening conclusion of this week’s discussion titled, “Tearful Expressions.” Listen to Discover the Word.

Part 10 - 09/11/17

God is near to the broken-hearted

From ballads to the blues, people love to hear sad songs. Today on Discover the Word, we will kick off a new round of conversation surrounding a song of lament found in Psalm 6. Receive heartfelt consolation from the Bible’s songbook and discover just how near God is, whenever you’re in pain. Join us on Discover the Word today!

Part 11 - 09/12/17

How does God relate to our deeply felt tears?

Emotions are so complex. There’s not always a straightforward answer to the question, “Why are you crying?” But today on Discover the Word, we will open up a helpful discussion about God’s emotions, as revealed in the Bible. How does God relate to our deeply felt “Tearful Expressions”? Listen today on Discover the Word!

Part 12 - 09/13/17

Discover the remarkable way God attends to our pain

God sees every tear that falls. Not one of them escapes His attention! So why do we try to hold back from crying? Today the Discover the Word team gathers around the table to talk about the remarkable ways God attends to our pain even when we don’t see it! Grab a seat in that fourth chair alongside us, today on Discover the Word!

Part 13 - 09/14/17

God doesn’t just wipe our tears away, He makes all things new

What are we supposed to do when we’re sad? Does God just expect us to keep a “stiff upper lip”? Today on Discover the Word, we gather again to discuss how God responds to our tears! He doesn’t just wipe them away, but He consoles, justifies, and makes all things new! Find out how that changes our outlook, when you listen to Discover the Word!

Part 14 - 09/15/17

God is in the business of transformation

Feeling blue? God’s in the business of transformation! And you’re invited to join us today on Discover the Word, to hear the transformative series finale of our three-week discussion on how God responds to our deepest emotions. See how God turns our mourning into dancing and our tears into laughter. That’s on Discover the Word today!

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