Episode The Good Shepherd

The Bible uses many metaphors to teach us about God, and one of the most common of those metaphors is "shepherd." But of course, metaphors only work when you're familiar with the cultural details. Dr. Tim Laniak joins the group to take them on a fascinating journey into the world of shepherds and Biblical passages about them. Drawing on his research living with Bedouin shepherds who lead their flocks in the same regions where Abraham and David once did, Tim explores how shepherds and sheep help us understand both God and ourselves better.

Dates April 8-12, 2024
At The Table Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, Rasool Berry and guest Tim Laniak
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Chapter 1

“The Lord is my Shepherd . . .”—the beginning of probably the most familiar psalm, Psalm 23. So, why is thinking about God as our Shepherd so meaningful to us? This week Bill, Elisa, and Rasool sit down with special guest Dr. Tim Laniak to go on a fascinating journey into the world of shepherds to discover what they might teach us about our Good Shepherd.

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Chapter 2

A reality that every shepherd faces at some point is losing one of their sheep. So how do they respond? Well, they go out and look for it, of course! The Discover the Word team continues to sit with guest Dr. Tim Laniak and get to the very “heart” of how the work of shepherds reflect the characteristics God showers on us . . . and wants us to show others.

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Chapter 3

If you had to choose, would you want a courageous leader . . . or a compassionate leader? Well, what if you could have the best of both worlds, that it doesn’t have to be one or the other. In today’s conversation, special guest Dr. Tim Laniak guides the Discover the Word group to see how in God’s vision of leadership, there is a time and a place for both a “stout heart” . . . and a “soft heart.”

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Chapter 4

Have you ever played “Follow the Leader”? What about “Simon Says”? To play those games, you need both leaders and followers, don’t you? Today, Bill, Rasool, Elisa, and special guest Dr. Tim Laniak continue their study on shepherding by exploring how the path of leadership only begins when we first learn to follow the Good Shepherd who goes before us.

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Chapter 5

Throughout the Bible, many heroes of the faith are associated with the word “shepherd.” From Abraham to Moses to King David, this humble work defined them all. And connections to shepherds and shepherding are common throughout Scripture . . . all the way from Genesis to Revelation! In this episode, we conclude our shepherding series with special guest Dr. Tim Laniak by observing one thing about sheep and shepherds is that they generally don’t stay in only one place! Why that’s so significant in the conclusion of this study of “The Good Shepherd.”

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