“Lord, have mercy.” It’s the most prayed prayer in the Bible. In this series of 10 conversations, pastor and author Robert Gelinas joins Mart DeHaan and Elisa Morgan at the table to explore what happens when the Bible’s most prayed prayer becomes our most prayed prayer. The Mercy Prayer—learn how it is the one prayer God always answers.
We often use words like mercy, justice, or grace when we talk about our daily walk with Christ. And we’re pretty sure about how we want them to work separately on our behalf. But what if they are meant to be understood by how they work together? Special guest Robert Gelinas joins us to continue our study of “The Mercy Prayer” by discussing how these characteristics of God are displayed in perfect harmony through the person of Jesus Christ.
Pain is something that most of us try to avoid at all causes. Even when we know it’s an expected part of life, our plea to God is “Why?” Well, what if there was a byproduct of pain more healing than we realize? In fact, pain just may be the very thing that often leads us closer to Him.
God is more than willing to shower you with His mercy. But first….He has some questions for you to answer. Explore the two probing questions Jesus asked of those looking to Him for mercy, and how these questions may be being asked of you as well.
Usually, when we hear that there are strings attached to something, or someone, we run in the other direction. So, what if we told you that God’s mercy comes with “strings attached?” Discover why our guest Robert Gelinas feels God’s mercy comes with “strings attached.”
What is the one thing you ask God for most? Protection and safety for your family? Food on the table? Good health? Well, in this episode of Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and special guest Robert Gelinas discuss why “Lord, have mercy” should be our daily request! How would our lives change if we made the Bible’s most prayed prayer our most prayed prayer?