Series Whose Cross Is It—Simon of Cyrene

Apparently entering Jerusalem as part of the preparations for the Passover celebration, Simon of Cyrene finds himself caught up in a story that would involve the sacrifice the true Passover Lamb—and change the world as well as changing Simon’s own family.

Dates March 23-27, 2015
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder
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Part 1 - 03/23/15

Who was Simon of Cyrene and why is his perspective so important?

Two thousand years after the event, we still marvel at the death of Jesus. This week we are invited to walk around in the sandals of Simon of Cyrene as we follow Jesus towards Calvary.

Part 2 - 03/24/15

Looking at the events around Jesus’ crucifixion through the eyes of Simon of Cyrene

Jesus said, “Pick up your cross and follow me.” Join us for a fascinating discussion as we discover more about the man who picked up Jesus’ cross.

Part 3 - 03/25/15

Discover how one man’s holiday trip with his sons was interrupted by a Savior bearing a cross

Do your holiday celebrations ever go as planned? Doesn’t it seem like there is always some sort of disruption that gets in the way? Our study continues as we discover how Simon’s holiday was interrupted.

Part 4 - 03/26/15

How do you view serving others?

Sometimes we raise our hand and volunteer. Other times, it can seem like we’re pushed into helping. Join us today as we discover how Simon of Cyrene came to carry Jesus’ cross.

Part 5 - 03/27/15

Ever wonder what happened to Simon of Cyrene after he carried the cross?

Many characters in the Bible appear, participate in God’s grand story, and then seemingly vanish from Scripture. Today on Discover the Word, let’s do a little biblical speculation about the end of Simon of Cyrene’s story. Discover some intriguing possibilities in our conversation!

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Give Thanks

At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day
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