September 7, 2009
We’re drawn to a good story. An anecdote that tickles your funny bone, or a plot with a surprise twist at the end.
September 4, 2009
Luke chapter 15 is a rich biblical passage, a record of Jesus’ profound stories, and timeless lessons on life.
September 3, 2009
What would it be like to have Jesus as a guest in your home? Would He stay for dinner, maybe a cup of coffee?
September 2, 2009
The beginning of a new series on the Parables of Jesus. Let’s look at Luke chapter 15.
June 26, 2009
Do you ever find that the more you get, the more you want? Whether it’s the amount in your bank account, or in your garage, it’s not easy to be content with what we have!
June 25, 2009
We don’t often think of sin as we would a disease ravaging our body, and yet, sin is toxic to our lives and ultimately to our souls. Look at the tenth commandment, “You shall not covet.”
June 24, 2009
The accumulation of possessions and wealth rarely leaves a person satisfied. Often they continue wanting just a little bit more. Perhaps you find yourself unhappy with what you have right now.
June 23, 2009
In a materialistic culture that calls for “bigger and better,” it’s difficult finding contentment with the deluge of options we’re presented.
June 22, 2009
There can be nothing wrong with wanting a bigger house or a nicer car, but when those desires become obsessions, it’s not long before we cross a line.
June 19, 2009
Most of us know what it’s like to chase after something we’d love to own, only to discover that owning it doesn’t make us happy at all! It’s part of the study on the tenth commandment, “you shall not covet.”