August 5, 2011
Words are powerful. And according to the teaching of Jesus, words said in anger can be just as destructive as physically hurting someone. Let’ continue a thought-provoking study of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Jesus takes unbridled anger seriously, and we should too!
August 4, 2011
If you’ve been wounded by hurtful language or verbal abuse, you know the pain it can cause. Let’s shed light on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew chapter five.
August 3, 2011
Jesus’ teaching style is effective and unique. It draws us into the learning process, rather than telling us all the answers up front.
August 2, 2011
It’s good to go to church on Sunday and read our Bible regularly, but when we set these actions up as self-made rules that must be followed, we’ve missed the point. Unravel Jesus’ teaching to the Pharisees in Matthew chapter five.
August 1, 2011
No matter how good our behavior is, it pales in comparison to a holy God! Let’s revisit Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
September 28, 2009
Nobody sets out deliberately to get lost. You just go along making choices until suddenly you look around and wonder how you got here.
September 25, 2009
Whether you have a son or daughter who has left the faith, or you can relate to the son who stayed at home, the profound teaching of the Prodigal Son has struck a chord in men and women’s hearts for centuries.
September 24, 2009
Another thought-provoking discussion on God’s Word. We’re stepping back into the first century, to hear Jesus’ parables from the perspective of those who heard Him firsthand, and seeing how we can relate two thousand years later!
September 23, 2009
The stories Jesus told were more than entertainment. They were meaningful lessons, intended to teach people about God’s character and priorities.
September 22, 2009
If you’ve ever lost your car keys, your cell phone, maybe even your wedding ring, you know the frantic search that ensues until you’ve found the missing object. Share thoughtful teaching about God’s character.