
  • Having Joy Despite Our Trials

    July 27, 2020

    As Christians, we face constant challenges from all sides. And while it’s tempting to give in and give up, God encourages us to press on, because it will all be worth it! Today on Discover the Word,  the team begins a series of conversations called “The Wisdom of James . . . the Wisdom of […]

  • Discovering Our Mission In A World That Needs Jesus

    June 1, 2020

    Do you sometimes feel that, as a Christian, you’re at war with the culture around you? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Darrell Bock explore how to best engage with a sometimes-hostile culture. Darrell shifts the paradigm of who the enemy really is and what our mission is in a […]

  • How Did Jesus Define Discipleship?

    April 20, 2020

    In Christian books and on Christian teaching programs, you see this word tossed around a lot: “discipleship.” But what exactly does it mean to “disciple someone,” or “to be discipled”? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Robert Gelinas invite us to wrestle with the idea of discipleship as defined by Jesus […]

  • If You Could Ask Jesus One Thing

    March 30, 2020

    If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be? Maybe you would ask Him why something specific happened in your life, or how things might have turned out differently. Today on Discover the Word, the teams, and special guest Rasool Berry take a look at a lawyer in the New Testament who actually […]

  • The Value of Patient Endurance

    January 20, 2020

    Whether you’re pursuing a relationship or trying to accomplish a goal, it’s tempting to give up when things get tough. But today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss the value of patient endurance, even when things get tough. They’re in the New Testament books of James and Romans for the start of this week’s […]

  • Discipline Done Right Reveals The Loving Heart Of God

    November 11, 2019

    No parent enjoys disciplining their kids. But discipline, done the right way, will help a child grow into the adult he or she needs to be. Today on Discover the Word, the team discusses how Paul’s sometimes-tough letter to the Corinthians reveals the loving heart of God. Pull up a chair to the table, today on Discover […]

  • Exploring The Context Of Paul’s Letter To The Galatians

    June 17, 2019

    There’s something uncomfortable about reading someone else’s mail or overhearing their conversation. But that’s essentially what we’re doing when we read the New Testament epistles! Today on Discover the Word, the team will explore the context of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. It’s the beginning of an extended study of the entire book of Galatians called, […]

  • Honoring The Sabbath and Restoring The Soul

    February 3, 2019

    Most days, we pack our schedules so tight . . . there’s barely enough time to eat. Yet, God urges us to set aside intentional time for rest and relaxation.  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and special guest Jeff Manion explore how honoring the principle of Sabbath can help us live a faithful life

  • Discover The Steady Faithfulness Of “Ant Power”

    February 2, 2019

    We all want our lives to count, but it’s easy to get impatient with the normal, day-to-day routine of life. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and special guest Jeff Manion explore how a life marked by steady faithfulness can have tremendous results.

  • The Rich Young Ruler

    February 2, 2019

    There’s no end to the distractions that vie for our attention on a daily basis. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day challenge us to put down our phones . . . turn off the television . . . and focus on some instances in the Bible when our attention is on […]