November 8, 2016
Some people think bird watching is, well, for the birds! But there’s a lot we can learn from our fine-feathered friends. And one of the most important lessons is found in Psalm 84 where the psalmist talks about a sparrow that builds its nest near God’s altar. Today on Discover the Word, we will reveal […]
November 7, 2016
Running on empty? Fainting from exhaustion? Welcome to the “new normal”—where everybody’s always stressed! Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss what to do when we find ourselves depleted—spirit, soul, and body. Chances are good that it’s because we’re flying solo when God calls us to live in relationship. De-stress your life with a […]
October 31, 2016
The Trinity—God being three-in-one—is a hard concept to grasp. On one level, it’s impossible to fully comprehend this divine mystery. And yet, each member of the Godhead has a unique place in our lives, including the Person of the Holy Spirit! Today on Discover the Word, the group will begin this week’s series called, “The […]
October 14, 2016
Are you a loyal listener who’s always wanted to join the conversation asking, “Why doesn’t somebody say this?” Well, today on Discover the Word, we give 4th chair contest winner Greg Brown the chance to be that “somebody.” He’s in the studio and part of the conclusion of their series about “Carrying Our Friends to Christ”! […]
October 13, 2016
Today on Discover the Word, we welcome one of our 4th chair contest winners to the table. Michelle is our guest and the topic is “Carrying Our Friends to Christ.” Michelle talks about the people in her life who carried her to Christ, and continued speaking into her life as her mentors, including the team here […]
October 12, 2016
We all know someone who we would really like to see come to Christ. Today on Discover the Word, we address the three most common barriers that people erect against accepting Jesus. Whether it’s emotional, intellectual, or volitional, people have their reasons. Overcoming barriers that keep us from “Carrying Our Friends to Christ.” Join the group […]
October 11, 2016
“There’s only one path to God, and that’s Jesus. But there are many paths to Jesus.” Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how “Carrying Our Friends to Christ” involves coming alongside them in ways that are meaningful to them. And as we’ll see in the story of a paralyzed man in Mark chapter […]
October 10, 2016
Have you ever felt that a loved one’s faith in Christ was all up to you? And then felt guilty when you grew weary of praying about it day after day? Today on Discover the Word, we begin a new series in Mark chapter 2. Just as the paralyzed man had to be physically carried […]
September 27, 2016
In a song. Word pictures. Repetition. These are all ways to commit important information to memory. Today on Discover the Word, we explore one memory device the apostle Peter used to highlight some important spiritual truths. We’re looking at Second Peter chapter 1, today on Discover the Word!
September 26, 2016
Jesus often chose some of the most unlikely characters to follow Him and spread the good news of the gospel. Today on Discover the Word, we will gather around the table to begin a study of the wisdom of the apostle Peter . . . an unlikely follower of the Lord who left a legacy of […]