
  • Trading guilt and shame for rescue and relief

    October 20, 2016

    Have you ever practiced “self-protection,”  where you hide your failures and try to control how people perceive you? Today on Discover the Word,  the group talks about how King David’s attempt to hide his sins put him in a precarious place with God. That is, until he confessed and was able to trade his songs […]

  • David’s “year of hiding and denial”

    October 19, 2016

    “I’ll lose control, I’ll lose credibility, I’ll lose face.” That’s what we often fear will happen if we “come clean” about our sins. But we lose a whole lot more when we’re too stubborn to “fess up,” and continue to try and hide things—from God and from others. Today on Discover the Word,  we’ll discuss […]

  • Forgiveness and correction go hand in hand

    October 18, 2016

    Most of us wince a little when someone corrects us. It’s awkward, and sometimes painful. But we love it when someone extends forgiveness! Today on Discover the Word, we will take a look at Psalm 32. It’s a poem that shows how forgiveness and correction go hand in hand . . . and both are a […]

  • The joy of God’s correction

    October 17, 2016

    Nobody likes being corrected. The reality is, most people would choose just about anything over being disciplined! But today on Discover the Word, the group begins a study in Psalm 32—where King David talks about the joy of God’s correction. Really? The joy of correction? Is this an oxymoron? Find out today on Discover the […]

  • The importance of committing truth to memory

    September 27, 2016

    In a song. Word pictures. Repetition. These are all ways to commit important information to memory. Today on Discover the Word, we explore one memory device the apostle Peter used to highlight some important spiritual truths. We’re looking at Second Peter chapter 1,  today on Discover the Word!

  • Peter: an unlikely follower of the Lord

    September 26, 2016

    Jesus often chose some of the most unlikely characters to follow Him and spread the good news of the gospel. Today on Discover the Word, we will gather around the table to begin a study of the wisdom of the apostle Peter . . . an unlikely follower of the Lord who left a legacy of […]

  • A wasted inheritance

    August 25, 2016

    “It’s not fair!” It’s not just whiny little kids who say that, because we all want justice. Today on Discover the Word, we will continue to discuss the parable of the prodigal son. We know about the runaway son who wasted his inheritance. But the older brother was wasting an inheritance too . . . his relationship with […]

  • A father’s love for his son

    August 24, 2016

    What does forgiveness look like to you? Next time on Discover the Word, the group will continue to look at the story of the prodigal son. It’s a parable retold in thousands of sermons, of a father’s love for his son and the forgiveness he extends. But is it just a story, one that we wish […]

  • Context is king

    August 23, 2016

    Context is king—that’s one of the guiding Bible study principles of the Discover the Word group. And today on Discover the Word, we will discuss the need to understand the story of the prodigal son in the times in which it was written and to whom it was written. Why the context holds the key to […]

  • Mission Possible

    August 22, 2016

    “Good morning listener, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to win the lost!” Today on Discover the Word, join us as they talk about “Mission Possible,”  a “seek and save” rescue mission driven by a Father’s heart for the lost. Join the group for a fresh spin on Jesus’s most familiar parable—the […]