Series Beloved

On the surface of things, most of us understand that God is love and because God is love, that God loves us. But do we? Really? Because if we truly understood the kind of love that God is and the kind of love that He loves us with, wouldn’t we live with greater security, confidence, and harmony in our relationships with Him and with others? The Bible often uses a term to describe God’s love for people – “beloved.” In John’s first letter to the churches in the Roman province of Asia, the “beloved” disciple unpacks the difference God’s love – and our reception of it - can make in our lives, and in our world.

Dates May 25-29, 2020
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder and Daniel Ryan Day
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Part 1 - 05/25/20

Love Is The Litmus Test

Anyone can claim to be a Christian. But how do you know for sure whether you’re a true follower of Jesus Christ? Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss how love serves as a litmus test for genuine faith. Pull up a chair to the table for the brand-new series called, “Beloved,” today Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 05/26/20

What Does It Mean To Be Called “Beloved”?

“Beloved” is a word we don’t use often in everyday language, but it makes a frequent appearance in Scripture. So who exactly are the “beloved”? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss what it means to be called “beloved.” We’ll save you a seat at the table today for Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 05/27/20

What Does Love Look Like?

What does love look like? Is it an action? A feeling? A choice? Or something else entirely? Today on Discover the Word, the team will untangle the Bible’s somewhat complex description of love. Join the group for their series called, “Beloved,” continuing today on Discover the Word!

Part 4 - 05/28/20

How Can We Love Fearlessly?

Love always involves some kind of risk. The fear of rejection or a broken heart often holds people back from ever taking a chance. So how can we love fearlessly? Today on Discover the Word, we will consider what it means for “perfect love” to “cast out fear.” Tune in today for Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 05/29/20

So What Are Christians Supposed To Be Known For?

Christians have been called all sorts of things, both good and bad. From generous to judgmental, descriptors cover the full range of the English language. So what are Christians supposed to be known for? Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss what it means to see our identity as the “beloved.” Join us today for Discover the Word!

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