Series Bring It To Jesus - Part 1

We are a hurting people. God sent his Son that we might have access to the healing he offers. The book of Hebrews encourages us to approach the throne of grace with confidence. Scripture gives example after example of people bringing their needs to Jesus and discovering the help and hope he provides. The father with a tormented son. The man who tried to believe but still carried doubts. The infirmed woman and the crippled man. The disciples overwhelmed by fear. In so very many stories, we see people bringing their needs to Jesus. What do you need to bring to him today? And what will Jesus offer to you to receive in return?

Dates March 13-24, 2017
# of Programs 10
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder
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Part 1 - 03/13/17

“Bring It To Jesus”

I think everyone can agree there’s a lot going on in our world and in our individual lives! We have a lot of things on our mind! Today on Discover the Word, we begin an encouraging discussion about the kinds of things we can “Bring to Jesus.” Not sure where to go with all you’ve got going? Well, listen today to Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 03/14/17

The Most Common Command – “Fear Not”

What’s the most common command given in the Bible? Would you be surprised to learn that it’s “fear not”? Today on Discover the Word, we gather around the table to discuss how we can take all the things that we’re afraid of,  and “Bring it to Jesus.” It’s an encouraging, timely message today on Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 03/15/17

Going Through Seasons Of Doubt

Most of us have gone through seasons of doubt. Doubting God’s goodness, or plan or maybe even His existence. So, is it wrong to doubt? And what do we do with the things we have questions and doubts about? Well, today on Discover the Word, we discuss how we can take our doubt and “Bring it to Jesus” on Discover the Word!

Part 4 - 03/16/17

Being Prepared For God’s Answer

Nobody has all the answers, but everybody has a lot of questions. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll lead the conversation on how when we take a question and “Bring it to Jesus,” we need to be prepared for the answer. Listen today on Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 03/17/17

The Power Of Participation

Walt Disney once said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” And today on Discover the Word, we continue the conversation in our series titled “Bring it to Jesus.” It’s a discussion about the power of participation and what God can do when we bring our participation to Jesus. Listen to Discover the Word today!

Part 6 - 03/20/17

Where do you go when you feel inadequate?

Do you ever have times when you feel like you’re just not good enough? Today on Discover the Word,  we continue a series that can help us know where to go when we feel inadequate to handle what life sends our way. Explore with the group what it looks like to “Bring It to Jesus.” Listen right here on  Discover the Word!

Part 7 - 03/21/17

Bringing Your Children To Jesus

Do you ever worry about the children in your life? Of course, you do. We worry about them when they’re infants, and we worry about them when they’re adults. So today on Discover the Word, we’ll gather around the table to discuss how we can bring our children to Jesus. Can we trust God with our kids? Be at the table today on Discover the Word!

Part 8 - 03/22/17

Bringing Your Friends To Jesus

How do we bring our friends to Christ? Today on Discover the Word, we will open up Mark chapter 2 to talk about how we can bring our friends to Jesus, and then trust that He’ll do what’s best for them. It’s from the series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” Listen today on Discover the Word!

Part 9 - 03/23/17

Bringing Your Health To Jesus

When we pray for healing, and it doesn’t come, where is God then? Today on Discover the Word, the team continues their series titled, “Bring It to Jesus,” and they’re going to be talking about bringing our health to Jesus. Listen right here on Discover the Word!

Part 10 - 03/24/17

Bringing Your Impossibilities To Jesus

You’ve heard it said, “Nothing is impossible with God.” But living in that reality can be harder than just saying it! And today on Discover the Word, we continue the conversation in our series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” It’s a discussion on the power of bringing even our impossibilities to Jesus. Listen today to Discover the Word!

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