Series God With Us

Few promises of the Bible offer more reassurance than when God says “I will never leave or forsake you.” Who among us doesn’t want to believe that God is still with us—now? Yes, we see evidence of God in the sky and stars. But here on the ground, we worry. Maybe that’s one reason God asked the huge family that he had rescued from Egypt to camp around His tent in the Wilderness of Sinai. From the outside, this Tent of God’s presence looked more like a portable Bedouin tent than “a house of God”. But on the inside, the detail, color, art, and symbolism spoke of mysteries and secrets, and… far more goodness than God was ready to reveal. And still today, even though so much has since been revealed, there’s so much for us to explore together. Please join us in discovering together what that tent in the wilderness says about "God With Us"… now.

Dates November 26-December 07, 2018
# of Programs 10
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day
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Part 1 - 11/26/18

God Dwelling Among Us

From walking with Adam in the Garden of Eden . . . to dwelling with the Israelites in the Tabernacle . . . to coming to earth in the form of a man . . . God has always expressed a desire to dwell with His people.

Part 2 - 11/27/18

God Uses Times of Wandering To Draw Us Closer

From the Israelites, to Elijah, to Jesus Himself . . . people in Scripture often found themselves wandering in the wilderness. And the experience would leave them forever changed.  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day discuss how God uses times of wandering to bring us closer to Him.

Part 3 - 11/28/18

God Is With Us In Our Wandering

In the wilderness, the Israelites had limited access to basic things like food and water. But God never failed to provide for them.  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day discuss how God showed He was with the Israelites as they wandered in the desert—and how He’s with you in your wilderness. 

Part 4 - 11/29/18

God Is The Source Of Our Talents And Resources

Whether you’re a writer, singer, painter, builder, or any other type of skilled craftsman . . . it’s important to remember that God is the one who gave you those abilities.  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day examine how the ancient Israelites used their talents and resources to construct a place for God to dwell with them.

Part 5 - 11/30/18

When The Journey is Longer Than Expected, God Is Still There!

After God led the Israelites out of Egypt, they embarked on a journey to the Promised Land—a trip that would take much longer than they expected!  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and regular guest Daniel Ryan Day consider the challenges of Israel’s nomadic lifestyle in the wilderness, but how God was with them every step of the way. 

Part 6 - 12/03/18

“God With Us”

In the Garden of Eden, God walked with Adam and Eve. And ever since then, He’s been finding new ways to dwell with His creation.  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day take a big-picture look at Scripture . . . and God’s overall plan to dwell with us from Genesis to Revelation.

Part 7 - 12/04/18

God’s Constant Presence

God is always with us . . . even though we can’t see Him.  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day show how the Tabernacle in the wilderness reminded the Israelites of God’s constant presence. What can remind us of God’s presence with us? 

Part 8 - 12/05/18

Discover A System Of Rules That Point To Jesus

In the wilderness, God gave the ancient Israelites a complex system of rules and sacrifices to follow. So what was the point?  Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day discuss how the Old Testament’s system of sacrifices ultimately points to Jesus.

Part 9 - 12/06/18

“The Glory Of God”

The Bible tells us that God is good, holy, all-powerful, just, merciful, and so much more. Is it possible to fathom just how great He really is? Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day explore the meaning of the phrase . . . “the glory of God.”

Part 10 - 12/07/18

Transitioning From The Tabernacle To The Temple

After King David died, Solomon began constructing a magnificent temple for God. But was it really God’s desire to have an ornate temple in the first place? And if not, whose idea was it? Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day discuss the significance of transitioning from the Tabernacle to the Temple.

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