Episode Jerusalem! | Week 2

Did you know that Jerusalem is the most frequently mentioned place named in the Bible? And if, as Bible geographer Dr. Jack Beck contends, place/location always matters, there's something extra special about Jerusalem in the biblical story. Jerusalem is like no other city. And if you understand its uniqueness, you will understand not only all the attention it gets in the Bible but also why the stories and poetry of the Bible speak of it in the way they do. Explore Jerusalem—the City of God, with Dr. Jack Beck and the Discover the Word group.

Dates January 20-31, 2025
At The Table Bill Crowder, Rasool Berry, Vivian Mabuni, and guest Jack Beck
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Chapter 6

When you read the Gospels, you come to realize that most of Jesus’ life was lived outside of Jerusalem. But, some of the most pivotal moments in the Jesus story had to be, and were, in Jerusalem. So, what brought him there, and why do those particular events have such an intimate connection to the holy city of Jerusalem? Join the Discover the Word group as they continue a series called “Jerusalem!” with special guest and Bible geographer—Dr. Jack Beck. Discover Jesus’ first Jerusalem story in this chapter!

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Chapter 7

Did you know that in the first recorded words of Jesus in the gospel of Luke, Jesus mentions a location? Obviously, a Bible geographer like Dr. Jack Beck finds that significant. So what was the location? Well, join the Discover the Word group and explore with special guest and Bible geographer, Dr. Jack Beck, the significance of twelve-year-old Jesus being at the temple. You may be surprised to discover why this moment had to be in Jerusalem!

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Chapter 8

Bible geographer Dr. Jack Beck maintains that the place an event takes place always has an impact on it. And so why does it matter that when Satan tempted Jesus, it was in Jerusalem? Join Discover the Word hosts Bill Crowder, Rasool Berry, and Vivian Mabuni as they explore with special guest and Bible geographer Dr. Jack Beck why this story took place in the Holy City—and discover what it tells us today.

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Chapter 9

Why do you think the climactic events in the story of the Bible—the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus—took place in Jerusalem? Join the Discover the Word team along with special guest and Bible geographer Dr. Jack Beck and discover why these events had to occur there. Explore how Jerusalem contributes to the culmination of God’s plan to redeem us from the consequences of all that’s gone so wrong.

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Chapter 10

What would you say was Jesus’ last Jerusalem story? The resurrection? Well, the Discover the Word group finds one more Jerusalem event in the Jesus story recorded in the book of Acts. But wait! Is Jesus’ ascension into heaven Jesus’ final Jerusalem story? Join the group as they explore the importance of Jerusalem and how that location echoes throughout the entire Bible. Wrap up a series called “Jerusalem!” with Bible geographer, Dr. Jack Beck, as he makes the Bible’s geography meaningful.

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More Episodes

Jerusalem! | Week 1

At The Table Bill Crowder, Rasool Berry, Vivian Mabuni, and guest Jack Beck

Psalm 30--Understanding God's Heart

At The Table Bill Crowder, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Rasool Berry
Text Psalm 30

Give Up!

At The Table Bill Crowder, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Vivian Mabuni
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