Episode The 12... Minor Prophets | Week 1

There is a section of scripture in the Old Testament that most of us rarely turn to—the Minor Prophets. These prophets have come to be known as the minor prophets, not because they are of minor importance, but because of their shorter length in contrast to the major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel). We’ll take several weeks to get an overview of these important, yet often overlooked, twelve Old Testament books.

Dates February 5-23, 2024
At The Table Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, Daniel Ryan Day and Rasool Berry
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Chapter 1

When you think of a group of twelve from the Bible what comes to mind?  In this episode, the Discover the Word team starts their 3-week journey exploring the powerful words and stories of a group of men God used to spread His message of redemption and hope…but it’s not the ones you think.  Come meet the Minor Prophets … characters often overlooked from the Old Testament, but play a major role in God’s bigger story.

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Chapter 2

The prophet Hosea’s life could easily rival any soap opera storyline. Betrayal, heartbreak..the list goes on. Today on Discover the Word, we look at how the events in Hosea’s life reflected much of what God was experiencing His chosen people… and how the story of the Bible is told in the first of these 12 Minor Prophets.

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Chapter 3

Have you ever looked forward to a certain day so much that all you could do was talk about it? Yet, the Day that the prophet Joel talked about wasn’t going to be a happy day for everyone. In this chapter, the Discover the Word team pauses to investigate this man’s words of warning … and the hope that underlines them.

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Chapter 4

Have you wondered why, out of all people, God would ask you to do something?  Don’t worry — you’re in good company. In fact, God often uses unlikely candidates, like the prophet Amos, to complete His perfect purposes.

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Chapter 5

Even though his prophetic words are the shortest among the Minor Prophets, Obadiah certainly had a lot to say. And his words are pointed to a unique audience…the Edomites. Why do they matter? Here’s a hint…their problems go back generations.

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